Nastia Naumenko is a Ukrainian filmmaker and visual artist based between Warsaw and Vienna.

In their works, Nastia investigates the process of identity formation and its fluctuation through both the personal and collective lens by navigating between real and speculative environments, interspecies relationships and various cosmologies. Combining documentary filmmaking with found footage, animation, and performance, allows them to reflect on the ways in which power and political structures are embedded in various narratives: from tales and magic rituals to family cookbooks and public archives. 

Graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, Poland, and Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK) in Gent, Belgium. Currently completing their Master’s degree at the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Die Angewandte). 

Their works have been shown at 20+ festivals, including Warsaw Film Festival, Melbourne International Animation Festival, and Filmfest Dresden. They received an Audience Award at REX Animation Film Festival, and Best Thematic Film Award at the Animation Bucharest International Film Festival.

© Nastia Naumenko2025