NASTIA NAUMENKOABOUTCONTACTNastia Naumenko is a Ukrainian filmmaker and visual artist currently based in Vienna.
In their works, Nastia investigates the process of identity formation and its fluctuation through both the personal and collective lens by navigating between real and speculative environments, interspecies relationships and various cosmologies. Combining documentary filmmaking with found footage, animation, and performance, allows them to reflect on the ways in which power and political structures are embedded in various narratives: from tales and magic rituals to family cookbooks and public archives. 

1 Four-channel video installation / Animated short film2024 / In development

The Firebird 

A popular slavic mythical creature, The Firebird, reflects on queer history in Southern Ukraine from the declaration of independence in 1991 until roughly 2004, switching between different timelines, characters and rituals, reflecting on the narrative legacies of popular folk tales, religious myths and slavic magic. 

Based on archival material from the oldest LGBTQI+ organisation in Ukraine and interviews conducted with community members from the artist’s hometown, Mykolaiv. 


2Multi-channel video installation2023

Dumplings, borscht and boiled tongue

This installation captures the confusion in the identity of Southern-Eastern Ukrainians after the beginning of the Russian invasion. It focuses on the weaponization of the language against the Russian troops and the implications it had on the regions where Russian influence (language included) has been dominant over the past 70 years.

The imposition of Soviet and neo-soviet ideologies on local socio-political structures is analysed using a family-owned cookbook. Collected recipes, comments, and cut-outs from magazines and newspapers form a comprehensive archive documenting not only one’s family history but also more than 40 years of evolution of Eastern Ukrainian society.


3Animated short film2020

We hope you won’t need to come back

Exploration of how the identity of an emigrant from an Eastern European country can become the embodiment of a liminal space between one’s home and destination point.


Audio installation2024

Baquet Moral

This work speculates on Franz Anton Mesmer’s theories and practices, called Animal Magnetism or Mesmerism. It is envisioned as a fantasy machine, created by people with vaginas, that allows them to pursue their sexual desires in relative safety under the pretext of medical treatment at a time when orgasms and sexual pleasure were deeply neglected in Europe.


5Animated short film2024

Can you hear me?

Based on the voice performances of mother and daughter, the film blurs the lines between documentary and fiction. It centres around the topics of generational trauma and gender power dynamics, and how they are impacted by technology becoming an equal agent in human relationships.


© Nastia Naumenko2025